Hello All,
Here we are again!
It has been a little while since our last post, which we enjoyed making so much, so we figure it is time for at least an update of what we have going on!
As any of you have have faved our shop, liked our facebook page, or follow us on Twitter, you may have noticed that a lot of what we keep posting does not involve clay. It's true.
Now do not worry, this does not mean that we have stopped producing clay at all, we are just not producing as much of it as we once were. We have been making a lot of Vinyl decals as of late. Trying to add new designs here and there for a variety to match multiple interests of everyone out there, and we are sure you will see even more vinyl decal designs in the future.
If you want to see the decals we offer you can check out THIS LINK No pics this time, I got lazy :(
Now getting back to clay, as we said, we have not been making many things out of clay as of late. However, we do have a commission right now to make another cake topper. This one will be something a little close to home I guess you could say. Why close to home? Well it is going to be of an Owl! As we all know by now, we seem to have a thing for owls. This cake topper I believe will be going atop a diaper cake for a little girl named Sophia. Actually, the little girl will not even know it exists for a while, because she is not yet born, but it will be kept as a keepsake after the Baby Shower for years to come. We have not started it as of yet as we have been busy with other things, but once we have it completed you will see it on our facebook, and most likely a new post featuring the little darling. This however, is all we will say about it for now, to you, as well as the Mother to be, the final look of it will be kept top secret until its delivery.
Now I keep saying that we have been busy any time I mention things we have to do. This is a part of why we are keeping decals available for purchase other than we enjoy designing and making them, but once we have designed it they take less time to make than say a single pair of earrings, and if we screw the decal up, we can make another exact copy where as with the clay we will be short an earring and have to start over.
Why do I keep saying we are busy, when we have nothing new posted? Well Jimmy entered a contest back in February and its time is almost up (Voting ends March 18th) and since entering the competition 1 month ago, a lot of what Jimmy & Monique have been doing is promoting the competition like CRAZY.
While writing this I will take the time to say if you have not voted PLEASE visit the following link, make an account and vote Jimmy's design a 5 [SUPER AWESOME DESIGN LINK] We would greatly appreciate it, the voting is very close right now and Jimmy is probably in the top 10-12 out of I think 250-300 Designs. We are hoping for the best but will be happy to of entered the competition win or lose.
So making new Decals, Cake Topper Commission, Design Contest & promotion, has been taking a lot of our free time,plus there is work, as well as we are trying to be healthier in what we eat how we cook it and we try to go walking at least a couple times a week, which is very enjoyable. Best part about walking for exercise? BOOM no membership required. It's a great way to get fresh air and a little exercise in at the same time. Take 15 or 30 minutes a couple times a week to get out there and see what nature has to offer people, if you got kids take them with you they like being outside, just let use their imagination and they will follow right along.
So this has been a bit of a strange post compared to our normal craziness that is held within out blog posts, but you do have some things to look forward too.
- New Items We are Working On (secrets as well :P)
- Cake Topper Post
- New Featured Artist Post
-Contest Results
-New Decals
-Our feelings about TopHatter
-Maybe some more!

Welcome to the Polymer Yay! Blog. Polymer Yay! is a collaborative shop on Etsy between JimSumner, and MHenshall. On here you will find information about new shop listings, upcoming projects, craft ideas, our awesome fans & friends, as well as other additions & updates. Feel Free to follow us here, on facebook (facebook.com/polymeryay) or on Twitter (twitter.com/polymeryay)
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Friday, February 22, 2013
Who doesn't love Kookies?
Hello all!
As you know we come across a lot of other crafters and artists in our time spent on Etsy, and the occasional craft fair. When we find a person that we admire, or that inspires us to try harder and go farther, we like to tell you about them.
Well, you may remember a while back a post that involved some Mech/Steampunk Owls, if you have looked back at our former posts recently you will notice that that post was removed, as we have recently found out that they were a copy cat crafter. Now, when we say copy cat we don't mean similar items, we mean direct knock offs. Once we found out that a person we featured was a person creating direct knock offs we were a little outraged, so we removed them from our blog, and in the end will have them removed from all of our Social Media sites.
Now that the air is clear of that mess, we would like to offer our sincerest apologies to Kimberly again for promoting the fraud in the first place.
Now, on to the best part!
As you can see from this post title, this post must have something to do with kookies, and well, who doesn't like kookies? I know we do, however, these Kookies, may be a little different from what you have in mind, these are MONSTER KOOKIES!
We learned of Monster Kookies shortly after our previous post about the fradulant artist, however, at that time we just thought they were similar artist, and perhaps the works they produced followed a particular pattern or book, as there are many many guides for polymer clay artist out there, as well as tons of how to videos on youtube, and user blogs.
Regardless of any of that, we still liked what we saw in Monster Kookies shop, and website so we added them on facebook, and I believe may of faved their shop on Etsy, because their stuff was really neat. Not only were the Mech/Steampunk Critters highly detailed and amazing so was everything else that come from Monster Kookies. The craftsmanship was and still is outstanding. Awesome work, along with some recognition, and even charity work, makes this shop, and its people truly awesome.
Now Kimberly, who is often called Kookie, is the owner and operator of Monster Kookies. She resides in Southwestern Ontario Canada, in the small town of Goderich. Her works have been featured in a couple of independent magazines, such as Rue Morgue, and Creepy Queen magazine, as well as a few books.
In August of 2011, her little town was struck with a devastating tornado, and using her outreach through her Etsy shop, Monster Kookies was able to raise and Donate 819.00 to the town to help fight all of the damage. Now there is more to read of other things she has accomplished through Monster Kookies, her full About me Section can be found on her Website by clicking here.
Now, lets get onto some of her crazy fun creations:
Kimberly, is the TRUE Mad Scientist of Polymer Clay. There is no other in comparison. So what exactly does this mad scientist make? Well, if you ask me, these look like they are straight out of the lab to me.

As you know we come across a lot of other crafters and artists in our time spent on Etsy, and the occasional craft fair. When we find a person that we admire, or that inspires us to try harder and go farther, we like to tell you about them.
Well, you may remember a while back a post that involved some Mech/Steampunk Owls, if you have looked back at our former posts recently you will notice that that post was removed, as we have recently found out that they were a copy cat crafter. Now, when we say copy cat we don't mean similar items, we mean direct knock offs. Once we found out that a person we featured was a person creating direct knock offs we were a little outraged, so we removed them from our blog, and in the end will have them removed from all of our Social Media sites.
Now that the air is clear of that mess, we would like to offer our sincerest apologies to Kimberly again for promoting the fraud in the first place.
Now, on to the best part!
As you can see from this post title, this post must have something to do with kookies, and well, who doesn't like kookies? I know we do, however, these Kookies, may be a little different from what you have in mind, these are MONSTER KOOKIES!
We learned of Monster Kookies shortly after our previous post about the fradulant artist, however, at that time we just thought they were similar artist, and perhaps the works they produced followed a particular pattern or book, as there are many many guides for polymer clay artist out there, as well as tons of how to videos on youtube, and user blogs.
Regardless of any of that, we still liked what we saw in Monster Kookies shop, and website so we added them on facebook, and I believe may of faved their shop on Etsy, because their stuff was really neat. Not only were the Mech/Steampunk Critters highly detailed and amazing so was everything else that come from Monster Kookies. The craftsmanship was and still is outstanding. Awesome work, along with some recognition, and even charity work, makes this shop, and its people truly awesome.
Now Kimberly, who is often called Kookie, is the owner and operator of Monster Kookies. She resides in Southwestern Ontario Canada, in the small town of Goderich. Her works have been featured in a couple of independent magazines, such as Rue Morgue, and Creepy Queen magazine, as well as a few books.
In August of 2011, her little town was struck with a devastating tornado, and using her outreach through her Etsy shop, Monster Kookies was able to raise and Donate 819.00 to the town to help fight all of the damage. Now there is more to read of other things she has accomplished through Monster Kookies, her full About me Section can be found on her Website by clicking here.
Now, lets get onto some of her crazy fun creations:
Kimberly, is the TRUE Mad Scientist of Polymer Clay. There is no other in comparison. So what exactly does this mad scientist make? Well, if you ask me, these look like they are straight out of the lab to me.

I am not sure what experiment went wrong causing these transformations to occur to these tasty treats, but whatever happened, happened! I think my favorite of those three has to be the cupcake with it's tongue hanging out, it's pretty awesome.
Now, I like to imagine that this mad scientist had a food experiment go totally wrong, and the only way to help with the tentacle cupcakes and cupcakes that could eat you was to make an army of mechanical critters to help battle against this monstrous food. What kind of critters would help? Well, these of course, owls to swoop in from above, and mice to nom nom nom on ground level!
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This is such a pretty Photograph! |

Maybe though, the owls were not enough to keep the foods at bay, so reinforcements were made...
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Love the Teeth |

Air, Land, and Sea are covered with mechanical creatures to battle against these beastly foods!
I am fairly sure that these fun little critters make my mind wonder off into some sort of fantasy land where food is alive and they only way to stop it is adorable awesome mechanical critters. Well, that is how my mind works, what can I say?
Now, Monster Kookies does make items that are not man eating cupcakes, or robotic woodland critters, and some of the items are just so cute on their own, that you can barely contain your squee, and others are of a mechanical variety, but are not critters.
In the items below you will see some of the other mechanical objects, as well as some of the just plain adorable ones!

Pretty awesome right? So many things all made by the same hands, art is such an awesome thing. Now there are TONS and I mean TONS more images of Monster Kookies work on their facebook, deviant Art, Website, and Etsy, all of which I will provide you with links to shortly.
We hope you have enjoyed all that you have seen, and read. We ask that if you use facebook, stop in and give Monster Kookies a like, if you are an Etsian, please feel free to Fav their shop, or Watch them on Deviant Art, and make sure to stop by their website to see all that you can see about Monster Kookies.
You will find as you look through the glorious images on the pages below, that many of these critters have names as well, since there are so many, I will let you go out into the world of Monster Kookies, and discover these critters names and personalities on your own.
Below are the Links as Promised.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/monsterkookies.creations [Be sure to check out the Photos!]
Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/shop/monsterkookies [Currently on Vacation]
deviant Art: http://monsterkookies.deviantart.com/ [More Awesome Photos, & Art]
Website: http://monsterkookies.com/ [All the Coverage you could need!]
I leave you with the following image, because out of all of the owls I have seen, even though it is not as complex, and at least to me seems simple and quaint in comparison to all of the others I have seen, I believe that this is my favorite, maybe blue being my favorite color has a little to do with it.
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My Name is Ahti. (Blue MechOwlie is best Owlie!) |
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Who Have We Found On Etsy? Miss Kitty's Kuties!
We randomly find special people on Etsy, or maybe special people find us!
When we find these special people, we like to let others know about them too! Share the fun right? Why not!
Anyway, a few days ago we faved this item on Etsy.
We were messaged by the shop owner thanking us for adding the item to our favorites, we like to do that, and we like when others do it too. Well, it turns out that they had just opened their Etsy store on that exact day. Super Cool right? I think so.
As it stands at this moment they only have a few items in their shop, but each one is just as adorable as the one pictured above.
They are Hand Sewn headbands, and the pictured above if I am not mistaken the flower, which is also hand sewn, is made onto a bobby pin so you can add it, subtract it, move it, what ever suits you best. How cool is that?
They have told us they are working on new objects to add to their store, so you will have to be sure to stop by often to see what they have added that is new!
So more importantly, I am sitting here telling you about this person that makes these awesome adorable headbands, and all you are thinking is well cough it up, who is it? Be patient the link to their shop is right around the corner.
The Shop is Miss Kitty's Kuties!
Now people, go and check out this new Etsian!
-Polymer Yay!
When we find these special people, we like to let others know about them too! Share the fun right? Why not!
Anyway, a few days ago we faved this item on Etsy.
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How cute is this? |
We were messaged by the shop owner thanking us for adding the item to our favorites, we like to do that, and we like when others do it too. Well, it turns out that they had just opened their Etsy store on that exact day. Super Cool right? I think so.
As it stands at this moment they only have a few items in their shop, but each one is just as adorable as the one pictured above.
They are Hand Sewn headbands, and the pictured above if I am not mistaken the flower, which is also hand sewn, is made onto a bobby pin so you can add it, subtract it, move it, what ever suits you best. How cool is that?
They have told us they are working on new objects to add to their store, so you will have to be sure to stop by often to see what they have added that is new!
So more importantly, I am sitting here telling you about this person that makes these awesome adorable headbands, and all you are thinking is well cough it up, who is it? Be patient the link to their shop is right around the corner.
The Shop is Miss Kitty's Kuties!
Now people, go and check out this new Etsian!
-Polymer Yay!
Monday, December 31, 2012
An End of Year Update
Hello all,
It has been quite some time since our last post, but we are still here!
We had our craft fair back in November, and it was a success! We didn't make a mint by any means, but we had a great time, and interacted with some great people, some crafters, and some non-crafters.
Soon after the craft fair started the onset of Holidays. The Holidays always keep us busy! Over the Holiday season, we had a few sales, but nothing major, most of our holiday bustle comes from family events. You know, the kind of events in which you sit around a table at least once and eat until you fill that you will burst. Then after that someone asks if you want something for dessert. You then knowingly make a horrible decision and say of course, what do we have! This of course lasts a couple of days or at least until the leftovers run out.
Anyway, the Holidays have been good as they always are, and this year is nearly over and a new one is fast approaching. It Was in January of 2012 that we changed from our original name of "A Charmed Life" to Polymer Yay! So we have had nearly a whole hear under our new name, and we have so much fun with it. It is just a hobby, but it is a hobby made out of love.
During this year on August 19th we celebrated out first Etsy Shop birthday, even though the name had changed the items we made, and the thought and care we put into the items remained the same, and the still do. As A Charmed Life, we tried to add other items beside jewelry to our shop, but with little to no success, most non jewelry items were quickly pulled from the shop, after deciding the new non jewelry items did not meet the quality we wanted them to, nor did they go with the name "A Charmed Life". So after some debates, Monique of Polymer Yay! said "We need to change the name of the shop" Jimmy, being stubborn was reluctant to change the name of the shop since he had started the shop, and come up with the original name. After some thought and a little time, throwing names around Jimmy said how about "Polymer Yay!". We thought about it, and we made items from Polymer Clay, and the items we made were cute and fun, so it made for the perfect play on words, and it has been that ever since.
The year has been wonderful, and changes galore have come over this year, and these changes have been far more successful than any from the days of A Charmed Life. In February Monique in her first true experiments with the Program Adobe Illustrator created the little owls that we now use everywhere. Jimmy will occasionally adding clothing or props to them, but the actual drawing never changes from the originals done by Monique. For the first month or so of being Polymer Yay! our logo was only the text portion, no illustrations of any kind, just a couple of fun fonts. We have come so far.
I mentioned other ideas, and successful changes that have occurred over this past year. We have begun to add new items to the shop, that are not just items made out of clay. We have kept one thing though, that we try to make sure that new items we introduce were related to polymer, which in case you didn't know, is a type of plastic. So through out this year we have been able to add vinyl cut decals to the items we make. We have only sold a couple, but we have only introduced a couple of designs, and we hope to add more as time goes by.
We have also introduced digital items to the shop. We have added our Graphic Design services to Etsy, and you can order a pre-made shop banner or have us custom make your shop banner, for your Etsy shop. These items are not made of any type of plastic, but I claim that since the computer contains plastic, it counts :P
We do have some ideas for other things we will add to the shop over time, some that may or may not have anything to do with polymer, but one thing will remain the same. If we are not happy with it, we will not sell it.
We have been so happy to be a part of the lives of anyone who reads our blog, views our shop, or buys one of our items. we get very excited when one of our items goes to a new home. We love hearing from our customers that they loved the item, or they gave the item as a gift and the recipient loved it. It makes us feel great, that a little item that we created, made a difference in someone's life, even if it was only a minor difference, that small bit of joy makes us happy and is a large part of why we do what we do.
I know this has been a long, text heavy post, but we wanted to make one, and now we have.
We hope that everyone has a wonderful time in the New Year that is at our doorstep. We look forward to seeing you there, and making more for you all to see.
Also, we have not forgotten about our "Your Idea Out of Clay" Contest. We will shortly look through the entries we had and we will choose a winner, and notify them. If you entered, it could be you. It's not to late to enter until we have posted a winner on our Facebook, which is where you can find the information about the contest (or our previous blog post)
Happy New Years Everyone!
-Polymer Yay!
It has been quite some time since our last post, but we are still here!
We had our craft fair back in November, and it was a success! We didn't make a mint by any means, but we had a great time, and interacted with some great people, some crafters, and some non-crafters.
Soon after the craft fair started the onset of Holidays. The Holidays always keep us busy! Over the Holiday season, we had a few sales, but nothing major, most of our holiday bustle comes from family events. You know, the kind of events in which you sit around a table at least once and eat until you fill that you will burst. Then after that someone asks if you want something for dessert. You then knowingly make a horrible decision and say of course, what do we have! This of course lasts a couple of days or at least until the leftovers run out.
Anyway, the Holidays have been good as they always are, and this year is nearly over and a new one is fast approaching. It Was in January of 2012 that we changed from our original name of "A Charmed Life" to Polymer Yay! So we have had nearly a whole hear under our new name, and we have so much fun with it. It is just a hobby, but it is a hobby made out of love.
During this year on August 19th we celebrated out first Etsy Shop birthday, even though the name had changed the items we made, and the thought and care we put into the items remained the same, and the still do. As A Charmed Life, we tried to add other items beside jewelry to our shop, but with little to no success, most non jewelry items were quickly pulled from the shop, after deciding the new non jewelry items did not meet the quality we wanted them to, nor did they go with the name "A Charmed Life". So after some debates, Monique of Polymer Yay! said "We need to change the name of the shop" Jimmy, being stubborn was reluctant to change the name of the shop since he had started the shop, and come up with the original name. After some thought and a little time, throwing names around Jimmy said how about "Polymer Yay!". We thought about it, and we made items from Polymer Clay, and the items we made were cute and fun, so it made for the perfect play on words, and it has been that ever since.
The year has been wonderful, and changes galore have come over this year, and these changes have been far more successful than any from the days of A Charmed Life. In February Monique in her first true experiments with the Program Adobe Illustrator created the little owls that we now use everywhere. Jimmy will occasionally adding clothing or props to them, but the actual drawing never changes from the originals done by Monique. For the first month or so of being Polymer Yay! our logo was only the text portion, no illustrations of any kind, just a couple of fun fonts. We have come so far.
I mentioned other ideas, and successful changes that have occurred over this past year. We have begun to add new items to the shop, that are not just items made out of clay. We have kept one thing though, that we try to make sure that new items we introduce were related to polymer, which in case you didn't know, is a type of plastic. So through out this year we have been able to add vinyl cut decals to the items we make. We have only sold a couple, but we have only introduced a couple of designs, and we hope to add more as time goes by.
We have also introduced digital items to the shop. We have added our Graphic Design services to Etsy, and you can order a pre-made shop banner or have us custom make your shop banner, for your Etsy shop. These items are not made of any type of plastic, but I claim that since the computer contains plastic, it counts :P
We do have some ideas for other things we will add to the shop over time, some that may or may not have anything to do with polymer, but one thing will remain the same. If we are not happy with it, we will not sell it.
We have been so happy to be a part of the lives of anyone who reads our blog, views our shop, or buys one of our items. we get very excited when one of our items goes to a new home. We love hearing from our customers that they loved the item, or they gave the item as a gift and the recipient loved it. It makes us feel great, that a little item that we created, made a difference in someone's life, even if it was only a minor difference, that small bit of joy makes us happy and is a large part of why we do what we do.
I know this has been a long, text heavy post, but we wanted to make one, and now we have.
We hope that everyone has a wonderful time in the New Year that is at our doorstep. We look forward to seeing you there, and making more for you all to see.
Also, we have not forgotten about our "Your Idea Out of Clay" Contest. We will shortly look through the entries we had and we will choose a winner, and notify them. If you entered, it could be you. It's not to late to enter until we have posted a winner on our Facebook, which is where you can find the information about the contest (or our previous blog post)
Happy New Years Everyone!
-Polymer Yay!
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Polymer Yay! Your Idea Out of Clay, Contest Rules
Hello All,
1. Your clay idea MUST BE submitted to the Polymer Yay! Facebook Post about the Contest
2. You MUST BE a fan of Polymer Yay! on facebook to enter and win. (if you are not a fan simply hit the like button, and you will be :P)
3. Each idea MUST BE submitted as a separate comment.
4. Keep your total number of submitted ideas to 3 or less.
5. Please take time to see what others have entered for ideas. If you post the same idea as someone else and that idea is chosen, the winner will be the first person to have posted the idea.
6. Please no vulgar design ideas. Keep it PG
7. The fan with the winning design idea will receive the first piece that is produced, absolutely free. Others may have a chance to purchase the design from the Etsy Store.
8. Your submitted ideas, do not have to relate to any holiday, event, or anything that we currently make.
Be creative, and tell us what you like!
-Polymer Yay!
Below are the Official rules for the Polymer Yay! Your Idea Out of Clay, Contest.
Post Your Ideas Here!
Post Your Ideas Here!
1. Your clay idea MUST BE submitted to the Polymer Yay! Facebook Post about the Contest
2. You MUST BE a fan of Polymer Yay! on facebook to enter and win. (if you are not a fan simply hit the like button, and you will be :P)
3. Each idea MUST BE submitted as a separate comment.
4. Keep your total number of submitted ideas to 3 or less.
5. Please take time to see what others have entered for ideas. If you post the same idea as someone else and that idea is chosen, the winner will be the first person to have posted the idea.
6. Please no vulgar design ideas. Keep it PG
7. The fan with the winning design idea will receive the first piece that is produced, absolutely free. Others may have a chance to purchase the design from the Etsy Store.
8. Your submitted ideas, do not have to relate to any holiday, event, or anything that we currently make.
Be creative, and tell us what you like!
-Polymer Yay!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Craft Fair, & Possible Etsy Items
Hello all,
It has been sometime since our last post but don't worry we have not gone anyway, we have just been a little busy with work and other things.
Exciting new though, the local Craft fair is coming up soon! It will probably be on November 17th. So excited!
Anyway, that has inspired this post, along with wanting to show some of the items that we have added to the shop, and some of the items that will be available at the craft fair!!
Lets start with a couple of items that we will have at the craft fair!
If you are one of our fans on facebook, you may have already seen the two following items, if not please enjoy.
A couple of home decor plates, we love them and think they are super cute and fun. They are about 10.25-10.5" across if anyone is interested. They can be used to display, or with the Santa plate if you wanted to place cookies on it for the kiddies, you could, just clean it with a damp cloth. They are ceramic plates with vinyl accents.
This one has been made for a special little someone who is far to young to young to be reading this blog, so she will not know it has been made for her, unless someone spoils it, and I would ask that you didn't if you happen to read this and see it :)
Adorable isn't it? It was really fun to make, but ask you can see, it requires a pumpkin, this one of course is a faux pumpkin, so it will never spoil, and can be reused many times. However, it is not a supply we will carry, as these Pumpkins can take up a lot of space, and as we said, they are only popular part of the year :) So if you would like one, let us know. This one is I suppose a "medium" sized pumpkin and would run 40.00 that comes complete with your name, or initial, or whatever, and adorable bow.
This decal actually has it's very own story of how it was brought into this world through Polymer Yay! If you are interested in learning the sweet short story, you can find it in the item description on This Page.
The Peppermint Pie earrings were made based off of a recipe in I believe a Betty Crocker cook book, so that's kinda cool. The links for them are Pumpkin Pie & Peppermint Pie
It has been sometime since our last post but don't worry we have not gone anyway, we have just been a little busy with work and other things.
Exciting new though, the local Craft fair is coming up soon! It will probably be on November 17th. So excited!
Anyway, that has inspired this post, along with wanting to show some of the items that we have added to the shop, and some of the items that will be available at the craft fair!!
Lets start with a couple of items that we will have at the craft fair!
If you are one of our fans on facebook, you may have already seen the two following items, if not please enjoy.
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Everybody knows the man in red loves a late night snack. |
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A fun reminder of something we should all practice. |
A couple of home decor plates, we love them and think they are super cute and fun. They are about 10.25-10.5" across if anyone is interested. They can be used to display, or with the Santa plate if you wanted to place cookies on it for the kiddies, you could, just clean it with a damp cloth. They are ceramic plates with vinyl accents.
These two particular plates will most likely not be sold on Etsy due to shipping cost. We are not exactly sure what the cost would be but we are afraid that we would not be able to give a price that was fair and covered shipping. (These plates in particular are slightly heavy) If you are local and will be able to attend the local craft fair, you can look for these on our table. Their price will be 15.00 each, and if we are able we will have our machine with us and will be able to personalize them. So for example, your santa plate could say "from Jack & Jane"
Up next is a Halloween Item, we may add this to Etsy, if we do, we need to do it very soon. Halloween is fast approaching!
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How cute is this? |
This one has been made for a special little someone who is far to young to young to be reading this blog, so she will not know it has been made for her, unless someone spoils it, and I would ask that you didn't if you happen to read this and see it :)
Another Fall, or Halloween, related item we have made is the following item. It is more of a made to order item, and will probably only be provided locally, but not at the craft fair, as it requires supplies that are only sought after seasonally. Also, they supplies are only available seasonally :)
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Fancy Fall Pumpkin! |
Adorable isn't it? It was really fun to make, but ask you can see, it requires a pumpkin, this one of course is a faux pumpkin, so it will never spoil, and can be reused many times. However, it is not a supply we will carry, as these Pumpkins can take up a lot of space, and as we said, they are only popular part of the year :) So if you would like one, let us know. This one is I suppose a "medium" sized pumpkin and would run 40.00 that comes complete with your name, or initial, or whatever, and adorable bow.
Now up next, we'll show you a couple of items that we have added to etsy recently, or at least items we have not blogged about before.
First up, is a non clay item, but is cool and fun nonetheless.
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Flounder Fear Me |
This decal actually has it's very own story of how it was brought into this world through Polymer Yay! If you are interested in learning the sweet short story, you can find it in the item description on This Page.
Cool story wasn't it? Really short, but cool none the less.
The next two pictures are clay items and will be the last pictures in the particular post. We hope you enjoy them.
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Pumpkin Pie Oh yum! |
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Peppermint Pie |
The Peppermint Pie earrings were made based off of a recipe in I believe a Betty Crocker cook book, so that's kinda cool. The links for them are Pumpkin Pie & Peppermint Pie
So glad we could share all these new things with all of you and we hope to post again soon with more news
One more bit of news, we finally reached 100 Likes, so that lucky person will be getting that free goody bag.
-Polymer Yay!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Charity Raffle Donation Across "The Pond"
Hello all,
For anyone who has visited our etsy shop over the past few days or the past week or so, will have seen some new items that have been added. Our last post mentioned several of our fall-esque items that we have made.
We have also added a couple different pairs of food related earrings as well.
Anyway, on to the real reason for this post!
We were contacted a couple of days ago about a possibly making a donation of an item to be raffled off for Charity. Of course, we said that we would love to.
The event is for the Macmillan Nurses, there will be a Charity Karaoke event held over several weeks along with a raffle of donated items. The Karaoke will be held/sponsored by a group of DJs known as Freeway Entertainment. (I will provide a like to the correct Facebook page once I have received a concrete link)
We were contacted by Clare Vann of Lexi's Kingdom
Now a couple of details that will be important to everyone, this event, as you may have guessed by the post title, is not in America, it is in the UK. I believe it will be held at the Ring O Bells Pub in Loughborough which is located in Leicestershire I believe.
So if you read our blog, and want to help our the Nurses make your way over there to do some Charity. I believe the events may take place are DEC 8th. For more information you can contact Clare at Lexi's Kingdom
Alright, now we want to show all of you what we will be donating to this cause. They are similar to items we have for sale in our shop, but the colors are a bit different than the ones in the shop. We think they turned out nicely though. We are sending them with the intention of it being Raffled as a set, but of course they can do with it as they want, but any way, the following pictures are the items that will shortly be sent across the pond to help a cause.
For anyone who has visited our etsy shop over the past few days or the past week or so, will have seen some new items that have been added. Our last post mentioned several of our fall-esque items that we have made.
We have also added a couple different pairs of food related earrings as well.
Anyway, on to the real reason for this post!
We were contacted a couple of days ago about a possibly making a donation of an item to be raffled off for Charity. Of course, we said that we would love to.
The event is for the Macmillan Nurses, there will be a Charity Karaoke event held over several weeks along with a raffle of donated items. The Karaoke will be held/sponsored by a group of DJs known as Freeway Entertainment. (I will provide a like to the correct Facebook page once I have received a concrete link)
We were contacted by Clare Vann of Lexi's Kingdom
Now a couple of details that will be important to everyone, this event, as you may have guessed by the post title, is not in America, it is in the UK. I believe it will be held at the Ring O Bells Pub in Loughborough which is located in Leicestershire I believe.
So if you read our blog, and want to help our the Nurses make your way over there to do some Charity. I believe the events may take place are DEC 8th. For more information you can contact Clare at Lexi's Kingdom
Alright, now we want to show all of you what we will be donating to this cause. They are similar to items we have for sale in our shop, but the colors are a bit different than the ones in the shop. We think they turned out nicely though. We are sending them with the intention of it being Raffled as a set, but of course they can do with it as they want, but any way, the following pictures are the items that will shortly be sent across the pond to help a cause.
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Autumn Brooch |
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Autumn Brooch Side View |
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Autumn Leaf Earrings |
As you can see, we used the same greens, reds browns, and oranges in these pieces, yet the order, placement, and intensity of the colors are different from our original designs. We hope that all of you like these, and we hope they can help out the Nurses.
-Polymer Yay
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