Friday, February 22, 2013

Who doesn't love Kookies?

Hello all!

As you know we come across a lot of other crafters and artists in our time spent on Etsy, and the occasional craft fair. When we find a person that we admire, or that inspires us to try harder and go farther, we like to tell you about them.

Well, you may remember a while back a post that involved some Mech/Steampunk Owls, if you have looked back at our former posts recently you will notice that that post was removed, as we have recently found out that they were a copy cat crafter. Now, when we say copy cat we don't mean similar items, we mean direct knock offs. Once we found out that a person we featured was a person creating direct knock offs we were a little outraged, so we removed them from our blog, and in the end will have them removed from all of our Social Media sites.

Now that the air is clear of that mess, we would like to offer our sincerest apologies to Kimberly again for promoting the fraud in the first place.

Now, on to the best part!

As you can see from this post title, this post must have something to do with kookies, and well, who doesn't like kookies? I know we do, however, these Kookies, may be a little different from what you have in mind, these are MONSTER KOOKIES!

We learned of Monster Kookies shortly after our previous post about the fradulant artist, however, at that time we just thought they were similar artist, and perhaps the works they produced  followed a particular pattern or book, as there are many many guides for polymer clay artist out there, as well as tons of how to videos on youtube, and user blogs.

Regardless of any of that, we still liked what we saw in Monster Kookies shop, and website so we added them on facebook, and I believe may of faved their shop on Etsy, because their stuff was really neat. Not only were the Mech/Steampunk Critters highly detailed and amazing so was everything else that come from Monster Kookies. The craftsmanship was and still is outstanding. Awesome work, along with some recognition, and even charity work, makes this shop, and its people truly awesome.

Now Kimberly, who is often called Kookie, is the owner and operator of Monster Kookies. She resides in Southwestern Ontario Canada, in the small town of Goderich. Her works have been featured in a couple of independent magazines, such as Rue Morgue, and Creepy Queen magazine, as well as a few books.

In August of 2011, her little town was struck with a devastating tornado, and using her outreach through her Etsy shop, Monster Kookies was able to raise and Donate 819.00 to the town to help fight all of the damage. Now there is more to read of other things she has accomplished through Monster Kookies, her full About me Section can be found on her Website by clicking here.

Now, lets get onto some of her crazy fun creations:

Kimberly, is the TRUE Mad Scientist of Polymer Clay. There is no other in comparison. So what exactly does this mad scientist make? Well, if you ask me, these look like they are straight out of the lab to me.

I am not sure what experiment went wrong causing these transformations to occur to these tasty treats, but whatever happened, happened! I think my favorite of those three has to be the cupcake with it's tongue hanging out, it's pretty awesome.

Now, I like to imagine that this mad scientist had a food experiment go totally wrong, and the only way to help with the tentacle cupcakes and cupcakes that could eat you was to make an army of mechanical critters to help battle against this monstrous food. What kind of critters would help? Well, these of course, owls to swoop in from above, and mice to nom nom nom on ground level!

This is such a pretty Photograph!

Maybe though, the owls were not enough to keep the foods at bay, so reinforcements were made...

Love the Teeth

Air, Land, and Sea are covered with mechanical creatures to battle against these beastly foods!

I am fairly sure that these fun little critters make my mind wonder off into some sort of fantasy land where food is alive and they only way to stop it is adorable awesome mechanical critters. Well, that is how my mind works, what can I say?

Now, Monster Kookies does make items that are not man eating cupcakes, or robotic woodland critters, and some of the items are just so cute on their own, that you can barely contain your squee, and others are of a mechanical variety, but are not critters.

In the items below you will see some of the other mechanical objects, as well as some of the just plain adorable ones!

Pretty awesome right? So many things all made by the same hands, art is such an awesome thing. Now there are TONS and I mean TONS more images of Monster Kookies work on their facebook, deviant Art, Website, and Etsy, all of which I will provide you with links to shortly.

We hope you have enjoyed all that you have seen, and read. We ask that if you use facebook, stop in and give Monster Kookies a like, if you are an Etsian, please feel free to Fav their shop, or Watch them on Deviant Art, and make sure to stop by their website to see all that you can see about Monster Kookies.

You will find as you look through the glorious images on the pages below, that many of these critters have names as well, since there are so many, I will let you go out into the world of Monster Kookies, and discover these critters names and personalities on your own.

Below are the Links as Promised.

Facebook: [Be sure to check out the Photos!]
Etsy: [Currently on Vacation]
deviant Art: [More Awesome Photos, & Art]
Website: [All the Coverage you could need!]

I leave you with the following image, because out of all of the owls I have seen, even though it is not as complex, and at least to me seems simple and quaint in comparison to all of the others I have seen, I believe that this is my favorite, maybe blue being my favorite color has a little to do with it.

My Name is Ahti.
(Blue MechOwlie is best Owlie!)

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