Saturday, March 16, 2013

What have we been up to?

Hello All,

Here we are again!

It has been a little while since our last post, which we enjoyed making so much, so we figure it is time for at least an update of what we have going on!

As any of you have have faved our shop, liked our facebook page, or follow us on Twitter, you may have noticed that a lot of what we keep posting does not involve clay. It's true.

Now do not worry, this does not mean that we have stopped producing clay at all, we are just not producing as much of it as we once were. We have been making a lot of Vinyl decals as of late. Trying to add new designs here and there for a variety to match multiple interests of everyone out there, and we are sure you will see even more vinyl decal designs in the future.

If you want to see the decals we offer you can check out THIS LINK No pics this time, I got lazy :(

Now getting back to clay, as we said, we have not been making many things out of clay as of late. However, we do have a commission right now to make another cake topper. This one will be something a little close to home I guess you could say. Why close to home? Well it is going to be of an Owl! As we all know by now, we seem to have a thing for owls. This cake topper I believe will be going atop a diaper cake for a little girl named Sophia. Actually, the little girl will not even know it exists for a while, because she is not yet born, but it will be kept as a keepsake after the Baby Shower for years to come. We have not started it as of yet as we have been busy with other things, but once we have it completed you will see it on our facebook, and most likely a new post featuring the little darling. This however, is all we will say about it for now, to you, as well as the Mother to be, the final look of it will be kept top secret until its delivery.


Now I keep saying that we have been busy any time I mention things we have to do. This is a part of why we are keeping decals available for purchase other than we enjoy designing and making them, but once we have designed it they take less time to make than say a single pair of earrings, and if we screw the decal up, we can make another exact copy where as with the clay we will be short an earring and have to start over.

Why do I keep saying we are busy, when we have nothing new posted? Well Jimmy entered a contest back in February and its time is almost up (Voting ends March 18th) and since entering the competition 1 month ago, a lot of what Jimmy & Monique have been doing is promoting the competition like CRAZY.

While writing this I will take the time to say if  you have not voted PLEASE visit the following link, make an account and vote Jimmy's design a 5 [SUPER AWESOME DESIGN LINK] We would greatly appreciate it, the voting is very close right now and Jimmy is probably in the top 10-12 out of I think 250-300 Designs. We are hoping for the best but will be happy to of entered the competition win or lose.

So making new Decals, Cake Topper Commission, Design Contest & promotion, has been taking a lot of our free time,plus there is work, as well as we are trying to be healthier in what we eat how we cook it and we try to go walking at least a couple times a week, which is very enjoyable. Best part about walking for exercise? BOOM no membership required. It's a great way to get fresh air and a little exercise in at the same time. Take 15 or 30 minutes a couple times a week to get out there and see what nature has to offer people, if you got kids take them with you they like being outside, just let use their imagination and they will follow right along.

So this has been a bit of a strange post compared to our normal craziness that is held within out blog posts, but you do have some things to look forward too.

- New Items We are Working On (secrets as well :P)
- Cake Topper Post
- New Featured Artist Post
-Contest Results
-New Decals
-Our feelings about TopHatter
-Maybe some more!

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