Thursday, August 30, 2012

Some New Items.

Hello all!

It has been a little while since our last post, and we apologize for that. We have been busy with work, organizing our craft room and other things.

New Items

Over the past week or so we have added several new items to our etsy shop. Several are fall related items, or fall themed.  You can find our shop at

The following pictures will show you at least some of our new items! Enjoy!
Free Shipping Iridescent  Style Winter Leaf Earrings
Iridescent Style Winter Leaf Earrings
Free Shipping Dark Snowy Winter Leaf Earrings
Dark Wintery Leaf Earrings
Free Shipping Cheeseburger Charm
Free Shipping Autumn Leaf Earrings
Autumn Leaf Earrings
Free Shipping Green Leaf Ladybug Earrings
Green Leaf ladybug Earrings
Free Shipping Cherry Pie Earrings
Ooooh Cherry Pie Yum!
Free Shipping Autumn Fall Leaf Brooch
Autumn Fall Leaf Brooch
There have been a couple other items added as well, but these are the ones that we made for the fall & winter seasons (Yes, even the cheeseburger charm)

We will hopefully get some new stuff made soon, some may end up craft fair supplies, rather than the shop, but we will at least let you see it if its super awesomely cool, which it of course will be :p

Well, for now this is all and we will keep you all updated to what is going on and coming up. Make sure to check our our shop, or follow us on facebook, or twitter to stay the most up to date with what we are doing.

Also, as of this minute, we are at 90 Likes on our facebook page. When we hit 100 likes, the 100th person will receive a free goodie bag! If you already like us, tell your friend, maybe they will share!

-Polymer Yay!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Foster Florals

Hello all!,

As you may have noticed, we like to share work by our friends, as well as we like to share our own. We have linked to a couple of different Etsy Stores, as well as facebook pages.

Well another friend of ours has started up her own business making awesome Flower Arrangements and wreaths! She asked for our Digital Yay Services in creating a banner for her business page. We glady accepted, and made her a banner. Currently she is only on facebook advertising, but may be on other sites in the future.

Anyway, the name of this business is Foster Florals

You can see that a great amount of care and time go into these arrangements in the photos below:

Aren't they just lovely? we think so, not just because it's a friend of ours either! Make sure to visit her, or give her a call. I believe all of her needed contact information can be found on her page.

I know we told you that she does wreaths too, and she does, however at this moment she only has one image up and it's a balloon wreath.and it's Super Cool! We chose tp put the two above images up because they both are in beautiful fall colors.

The Balloon Wreath  is also beautiful, so check it out!

We hope you enjoy this new little treasure that is Foster Florals, & if you want to see the banner we made for her, simply visit her page. Just in case you forgot it was Foster Florals

-Polymer Yay

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Polymer Yay! Goes International!

Hello all!

As I am sure you recall, a little while back we mentioned in a post that we had sent a Mystery item to a really awesome fan in the UK.

Well, earlier today, she received her item! So since she has now seen it, all of you can too!

First off, We will start off by showing you the picture we were given for reference.

Alright, as we can see, our Friend Sarah Gibson, requested a Camera Charm! I had this feeling when I asked what she would like that her reply was going to be Camera, and I was right! What else would an awesome photographer want? Okay, so it was just an educated guess, but we were excited to try it!

Obviously better than a real one.

Alright, now I know it's not a perfect match to the picture above, but we took some artistic license, and used the actual camera more as a reference or inspiration. Sarah knew this, going into the deal that we would take some license with it, she even told us she expected us to. Anyway, This charm is probably only about an inch tall, maybe an inch or so wide. It comes complete with flash box, big fancy lens, and even a couple of buttons and switches.

All that really matters to us, is that it got to her safely and that she liked it, and well, BOTH of those things happened. It arrived safely, and She loved it. She even sent us the following photo showing her appreciation before she wore it out for a night out on the town.

Sarah Gibson loves her Polymer Yay!

Now once again, you can find Sarah at the following links: Sarah Gibson -or- Sarah Gibson Photography We are so glad she likes it!

Other International News

As the Page views to our blog slowly increase, we find ourselves checking to see where these views come from. Well, with Blogger, we can see how many views and from what countries they come from. So in honor of the current 8 different Countries that have read our blog at least once, we have made a diagram. This diagram will show all of you the countries we currently have views from.

Best Diagram ever!

:D How is that for a diagram? lol We have actually talked about making a map to show where we have mailed items, but we have just recently started our international shipping, so a map would be time consuming, and really only have the US, the UK, and Italy, so we decided that Owls that were rather outspoken about their favorite places would be better.

This Diamgram will also be available on our facebook, along with Sarah's appreciation photo.

For now this is all, we hope to have some more items added soon, and some other projects finished as well.

Facebook, Etsy, Twitter

-Polymer Yay!

They Have Flown The Coop, so to speak.

Hello All,

Last night we posted about a new item that would soon be in our Etsy Shop well, it's here!

That's right, our newest product is now available for sale in the shop. Since the color purple seems to hate us, only brown and green are available for purchase. The purple ones will either go up for sale at a later date,  be added to craft fair items, or will meet an untimely demise and be thrown away. Most likely it will be one of the first two options.

Any who, you can see images below of the items, and if you feel that you want a pair, you can get to their listing by clicking the caption under the photo of the one you like!


Sorry about the glare they have, there was a fair amount of clear coat applied to them to keep them protected.

So for all of you that were excited to see some owl jewelry come from Polymer Yay!, here it is. We hope you all love it.

-Polymer Yay!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

This Post is A Hoot!

Hello all!,

We promised that we would bring out some new Jewelry, that actually featured our little owl mascots. Well they are still not completely finished, but we figured we could let you in on a sneak preview of these adorable new earrings, that will soon feature in the shop!

Since they are still not 100% complete (some need some extra clear coat, and some still need to be clear coated) we have photographed one, that is probably about 90% complete.

Are you ready?

How do you like it?

We love them. There are also some brown, and purple ones as well! We made some pink ones, but in the end they just looked like pink ovals with white faces, you couldn't see their outlines, or their tummy feathers.

With that, they will not be featured in the shop :( Anyway, back to these little owls. They are somewhere around 1/2 inch tall, and probably about 1/4 inch wide, or somewhere around that size.

Hopefully we will be able to finish the final clear coating on them tonight, and maybe get some photographed in the morning, or sometime tomorrow. If we can do that, then you can expect to see these little cuties in the shop tomorrow.

If you have not yet checked out our shop, or would like to give it another look, you can find it in the links below, along with our facebook, & twitter.

The Etsy Shop:

Monday, August 13, 2012

Polymer Yay! Owls & Other News.

Hello all,

We are very excited to make an announcement that involves the Polymer Yay! Owls.

As we have mentioned in previous posts the owls are our mascots but, we have never made any products in which they are featured. We also stated that in the past we have made an owl necklace, that we gave to a friend, but that owl looked nothing like the Polymer Yay! Owls.

Who Me?
However that, will soon change! That's right folks, soon you will be able to get your very own piece of Polymer Yay! jewelry that has a striking resemblence to one of these guys.

Isn't he just adorable? We think so, but our opinion may be a little bias.

Any way, soon, you will be able to purchase, or maybe even win, your very own Polymer Yay! Owl Jewelry! Seriously! We are super excited about this. We have one piece made already, we just have not had the chance to take a photo yet, and we would like to get a couple more made, so that we can have a small photo shoot instead of just photographing one object here, and then another one there. It's just more time efficient to wait, even though we want to see more stuff in the shop. Believe me, we want there to be more stuff in the shop, and there will be! It might just take us a little bit.

For those of you that do not know, Polymer Yay! consists of two people, J. Sumner & M. Henshall. Well, M.Henshall has her own etsy store, in which she sells crocheted items, such as scarves, ear warmers, dish cloths, & things of that nature. As of late she has been on a hiatus, crocheting,  in order to gear up for the upcoming cooler months. This leaves us with only one to deal with the Polymer Yay! side of things, & since we are working on expanding the types of products we can carry for you guys, it makes everything go a little slower.

Jimmy has been working on items for the Digital Yay! Section of the shop over the past few days, as well as other items & objects relating to Polymer Yay!

However, with all this said, hopefully sometime this week you should see new Owl items in the shop!, as well as a blog post mentioning new items coming to Polymer Yay! Home.

Other News

There will be some new items added to Polymer Yay! Home . These items will consist of Holiday items, as well as various items that are being made daily. We plan to photograph these items soon. I will not get into the details of what the items are, other than at least one of them is super cute, well we think it is lol.

The new home decor items we are working on may possibly go into the etsy shop, as we feel that they are a little less delicate than the Joy vases from several posts back. If they do indeed make it to the etsy store, they may be under a shop section called Decor or Home Decor rather than Polymer Yay Home. This possibly being done so that there is no confusion about what type of items are in each shop section.

So, this week you can look forward to at least one blog post about new items (with pictures), and a strong possibility of new items being added into the shop. Also, we are hoping that our Friend in the UK will receive their item this week, and if they do we may have a post about their fancy new jewelry.

As always, you can find us at at of the links below:

-Polymer Yay!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Digital Yay! is Now Active

Hello all,

You may recall that a while back we mentioned that hopefully soon Digital yay! would be good to go.

Well now it is!

Digital Yay! is the one section of Polymer Yay! that doesn't involve polymer/plastic in any way, unless you count the keyboard and mouse of our computer. Digital Yay! is where we put our art degrees to a different use. [For any of you that do not know, Polymer Yay! is comprised of J. Sumner (B.S. Graphic Design & Advertising) & M. Henshall (B.S. Fine Art & Painting)] Instead of using our artistic talent, and love for crafts to make small foods, and other items, from clay we put our brains together and create digital graphics.

Originally we stated that Digital Yay! would provide graphics for scrap-booking and things of that nature. Graphics similar to clip art if you will. This may still come about in the future, but as of right now, Digital Yay is starting out by providing Shop Banners for Etsy. Other Etsy items will come as time progresses, as well as graphics for personal websites and or blogs.

Currently we are only providing the previously mentioned shop banners. Our banners are set up to be custom designed, meaning that no one other than you (if you have an etsy shop) will have your banner. You can buy premade banners on etsy, and in the future we may offer some predesigned packages, in which your shop name will simply be inserted into a template.

You can view the item on etsy at this link

Or you can keep an eye out to see what's new in Digital Yay! with this link.

-Polymer Yay!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Friends Abroad, & Tweeting?

Hello all!

How is everyone today? We hope you are all doing well.

In a recent post (Owlympics, New Items, & Friends Abroad) we mentioned how a very wonderful person in the UK had helped us get the word out about Polymer Yay! Her name is Sarah Gibson, you can find her photography work at Sarah Gibson Photography We have dubbed her our Street Team I guess technically Polymer Yay! Street Team International would be more appropriate :D

Any who, for her acts of great kindness, we decided to make her very own special one of a kind piece of Polymer Yay! Jewelry. She has been super excited, and now is even more excited! Why? Well the reason why is that as of yesterday (8-8-2012) her item has been shipped! We still will not reveal what she asked for until she gets the item and posts pictures about it, but that will occur soon. We know she is excited, but you know what?, so are we!

So once the item has journeyed through America and across the pond it will be delivered to her by Post. That little item has a little bit of a journey ahead of it, but it should be a safe one.

Now for other News!

Polymer Yay! has joined Twitter you can follow us @polymeryay or find us directly 

It almost makes sense if you ask me, We use owls as Mascots, so it almost makes sense to tweet! However, the Polymer Yay! Owls have informed me when they update on Twitter they Hoot rather than tweet They said something about That tweeting business was for the birds ... I'm not exactly sure what they meant by that, but they seemed pretty serious.

So you can look forward to finding out what our Friend Abroad received as a thank you gift, and you can now follow us on twitter and see all of our Tweets Hoots.

More updates to come.

-Polymer Yay!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Hello All!

As you may recall from our last couple of posts, the last one specifically, we have added a new line and new products. (If you didn't see our last post you can find it Right Here) 

Well, this post is similar, it's also about changes (if the fancy title didn't clue you in :P) Anywho!, these changes are a little bit different, as they are to the etsy shop it's self!

Over yesterday, and today we have revamped our Shop Banner, Profile Picture, and even added some Custom Images (Reserved Item, Custom Order, & Sale Icon). This is all to better help unify the look of the shop. This blog, and the facebook page, as it currently stands will keep their current looks, as they are more of a special bonus you get to see for reading the blog of liking us on facebook. So they will have different images than the shop.

Onto the Changes!

I will first show you the etsy banner that we replaced
This actually replaced another banner that just said "Polymer Yay!"
Alright, now here is the New etsy Banner.
This one is super adorable!

The colors and style of that banner, and even some of the items in it are based on items we actually make or have sold!...Except for the owls, we made an owl necklace once and gave it to a friend, but it didnt look like these owls, no where near as cute. Anyway, these cute little owls (Originally drawn by Monique) have become our little mascots. So, you can expect to see a lot more of them.

Alright, now let me get onto the other items I mentioned. Up next is the new etsy Profile Picture, and Sale Picture.(The Sale Profile Pic, may be a work in progress)
Ooooh A Sale!
Oh No! Someone Bit It! 

I cannot find the old profile picture on this computer, but it was the same color as the old banner, had one owl on it, and in the script font said "Polymer Yay!" over his little head.

Alright, up Next are the Custom Order, and Reserved item Images. We did not have any of these prior to these new ones, so there are no old images.
I have heard that the contractor is strictly business.
Of course my name is on the list! It's *mumble mumble mumble*

Alright, there you have it, all of the new changes that have been made to the etsy store. We are still going to try to get our other holiday item finished and placed up here as well, and that will hopefully be sooner than later!

-Polymer Yay!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

First Product of a New Line!

Hello All!

As we said, we would try to get at least a snapshot or two taken of our new products from our new line.

Our new line is call Polymer Yay! Home, and will provide Home Decor items.

As we stated yesterday, these items would involve polymer, but it would not be polymer clay, as most of our other items are, and since polymer is a plastic, we also carry items made from plastic such as our Kawaii Best Friends Necklaces.

So!, What type of items will be carried in Polymer Yay! Home, is what you are wondering, how will it involve polymer? Well, the image below may answer that question!

Holiday - JOY Vase Set

Holiday - JOY Vase Set "Artistic Angle"

That's right everyone, our newest polymer product is vinyl!

We hope to have other Home decor items like this finished soon! As it currently stands these are not available in our Etsy shop. They are currently only available for local purchase and craft fairs. Our reasoning for this is we are not yet sure the best way to ship them so that we will be satisfied that they will not meet an unkind fate on their trip. These are are beautiful when filled with Peppermints or other Candies, Holiday Ornaments, In Shell Nuts, or whatever you find best suits your holiday decor.

These will sell for 15.00 USD (Empty) and can be filled for an additional cost. (Additional cost varies depending on choice of fill) These sets are also made to order and can be made with vinyl of a different color. (Based on availability in stock)

We hope everyone loves our first new product from Polymer Yay! Home There are other products in the works that have not yet been finished, but I will not tell you what they are yet! I will say that they too are Holiday themed, but that is all I will say.

For now, this is all.

-Polymer Yay!

Monday, August 6, 2012

New Products to Come

Hello all!,

As some of you may have noticed in our shop, not all items are made out of polymer clay. There is a reasoning behind this. We chose the name because it seemed very fun, and it went along with what we mostly sold, which is Polymer Clay jewelry and charms.

We do want to expand our products that we off to all of you. So the reason you see some little plastic items in the shop is simply because polymer is also a type of plastic! So you will occasionally see items that are not made from clay for sale in our shop.

Now all of that boring stuff said, it lets me get to the part that is exciting. Some of the new products we will be offering, for the holidays will be more Home decor based! They will not be made out of polymer clay either, but polymer will be involved!

I will not tell you right now what the items are, but hopefully over the next few days we will get at least a snapshot of one of the new items taken, so we can post it up here and let all who care to, see them.

Now unfortunately, we are unsure as of now if these items will be available on etsy, or just at local craft fairs, as we worry, and are unsure about shipping on them.

I so wish I had the photos ready, but Currently we only have one of the new products ready, the other still has to be finished.

This post is a bit random and all over the place...sorry about that !

Anyway, this long-winded post, is basically just telling you that you will see a different type of polymer in our upcoming section that I will label Polymer Yay! Home.

 Hopefully, you all look forward to seeing some of our new products and ideas.

If you would like to see what we currently have for sale you can find it all at

-Polymer Yay!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Owlympics, New Items, & Friends Abroad

Hello All!

We hope everyone out there is enjoying the Summer Olympic Games. We thought the opening ceremony was just amazing, and beautifully done. Now if you are one of our facebook fans, you may have noticed that the Polymer Yay! Owls, are in the Olympic Spirit as well. Taking the Podium for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd in Swimming, they are quite talented! Well, all but one, alas, the purple one still has to wear his water wings so to speak, and was unable to compete this time.

On to more serious business, we have listed several new items this week, and we are quite excited about them. There's an Ice Cream SandwichSome Cookies, & Other Goodies. As always these tasty little treats pack ZERO CALORIES & FAT, and more than enough of your daily value of Cute & Adorable.

We have a couple of other items that need to go into the shop as well. Along with a custom made piece for a  BIG FAN of ours that lives "Across the Pond" as they say. Her name is Sarah Gibson, and her wonderful Photography Business can be found and this link-> Sarah Gibson Photography 

Now given, if you are like us and live in the United States she may be a little far out to use her services, but that doesn't mean that you can't like her page and say that you think her work is good now does it? Anyway, she is an adoring fan, and has given us A LOT of support, kuddos, and promotions to our store, and our facebook fan page So as our thanks to her for basically being our Street Team she is getting her very own personalized item, and just to be nice, I have linked Photography Business Above. She is pretty awesome.

Pictures of her item will be shared, but I do not believe that they will be shared until after she gets her item. Not fair for everyone else to see it before she has a chance to even hold it in her hands!

Let me see, I think that might be it for now. Oh wait no it's not all!

A little while back we mentioned that hopefully soon we would open Digital Yay! A part of Polymer Yay! that dealt with digital designs, like clip art and things of that nature. Well, it is not completely up and running yet, but there has been a product that I am going to classify as Digital Yay! since it is indeed Digital :D

Our High School Art teacher has joined the forces of Etsy doing these VERY COOL painted plates and birds. I am so close to buying one it is crazy, she has one or two items that would just match our kitchen & dining area perfectly. Anyway!, after looking at her pieces she had for sale I felt inspired to use my Graphic Design Talents to create her a personalized etsy shop banner.  She loved it. her shop can be found at the following link -> Collectively Cathy 

This is the banner that was made for her by Digital Yay!

Alright, now I think that is all :D We will still try to eventually get some how-to guides or videos or something  up eventually, but for right now this is all!

-Polymer Yay!