Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Hello All!

As you may recall from our last couple of posts, the last one specifically, we have added a new line and new products. (If you didn't see our last post you can find it Right Here) 

Well, this post is similar, it's also about changes (if the fancy title didn't clue you in :P) Anywho!, these changes are a little bit different, as they are to the etsy shop it's self!

Over yesterday, and today we have revamped our Shop Banner, Profile Picture, and even added some Custom Images (Reserved Item, Custom Order, & Sale Icon). This is all to better help unify the look of the shop. This blog, and the facebook page, as it currently stands will keep their current looks, as they are more of a special bonus you get to see for reading the blog of liking us on facebook. So they will have different images than the shop.

Onto the Changes!

I will first show you the etsy banner that we replaced
This actually replaced another banner that just said "Polymer Yay!"
Alright, now here is the New etsy Banner.
This one is super adorable!

The colors and style of that banner, and even some of the items in it are based on items we actually make or have sold!...Except for the owls, we made an owl necklace once and gave it to a friend, but it didnt look like these owls, no where near as cute. Anyway, these cute little owls (Originally drawn by Monique) have become our little mascots. So, you can expect to see a lot more of them.

Alright, now let me get onto the other items I mentioned. Up next is the new etsy Profile Picture, and Sale Picture.(The Sale Profile Pic, may be a work in progress)
Ooooh A Sale!
Oh No! Someone Bit It! 

I cannot find the old profile picture on this computer, but it was the same color as the old banner, had one owl on it, and in the script font said "Polymer Yay!" over his little head.

Alright, up Next are the Custom Order, and Reserved item Images. We did not have any of these prior to these new ones, so there are no old images.
I have heard that the contractor is strictly business.
Of course my name is on the list! It's *mumble mumble mumble*

Alright, there you have it, all of the new changes that have been made to the etsy store. We are still going to try to get our other holiday item finished and placed up here as well, and that will hopefully be sooner than later!

-Polymer Yay!

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